Seminar: Advanced Approaches in Operations Management (MAS)

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Janis S. Neufeld, Aheli Das, Ornela Sahatciu & Hendrik Busmann
Contact person: Supervisor of the student
Semester: each term
Forms of instruction and credit hours: 4 SWS Seminar
Exam form and credit points: term paper(s), presentation(s), 10 CP
Language: English
Objectives and Contents: Students describe a planning problem currently discussed in the scientific literature on operations management and logistics. They should identify, develop and apply a suitable quantitative solution method. The seminar papers should contain a brief overview of the scientific literature, a description of the mathematical model, a description of the solution method and an analysis and interpretation of the results of an experimental study. The results are presented in the form of a scientific paper and a lecture.

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